The NSCMB FEB RAS and the Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology (VAST) have agreed to develop collaboration within the framework of existing memorandums and agreements on cooperation between the two countries as well as to jointly conduct a wide range of regionally and internationally important studies.

On September 5, 2024, the NSCMB FEB RAS hosted a delegation from the VAST to discuss bilateral scientific and technical cooperation. The delegation was led by Prof. Tran Tuan Anh, Vice President of the VAST.

The Vietnamese delegation included directors of major scientific and educational organizations of Vietnam, such as the Institute of Oceanography, Institute of Science and Technology of Environment and Energy, Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Institute of Scientific Research and Applied Technology (Nha Trang) and Institute of Natural Products Chemistry.

The Russian participants in the meeting were Deputy Directors for Science  Dr. Boroda, Dr. Mordukhovich , Deputy Director for International Cooperation Dr. Lutaenko, Scientific Head of the Laboratory of Deep Sea Research Dr. Dautova, staff members of the Laboratory of Physicoсhemical Methods of Membrane Research - Scientific Head, Senior Researcher Dr. Sikorskaya and Senior Researcher Dr. Ermolenko - and Senior Researcher of the Laboratory of Systematics and Morphology Dr. Malyutina.

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The NSCMB FEB RAS has a long history of scientific and technical ties with scientific institutions of Vietnam. Cooperation is carried out through joint projects and scientific laboratories, as well as MoUs of Understanding, which cover many areas in the field of marine biology, ecology, biochemistry, study of biodiversity of natural resources, etc.

In his welcome speech, Dr. Boroda, currently Acting Director of the NSCMB FEB RAS, briefly described the opportunities of the institution and mentioned the work of the existing joint laboratories. Then he turned the floor over to Dr. Lutaenko. Who told about the history, aims, structure and achievements of the NSCMB, giving special emphasis to successful cooperation with a number of South-East Asian countries and participation of the institution in the projects of the Asia-Pacific Network for Global Change Research.

During over 50 years of scientific and technical cooperation between the NSCMB FEB RAS and VAST institutions we have become reliable partners of great importance to each other. Relations between the Academies are based on long-standing traditions of friendship and are an integral factor in establishing scientific ties. At present, there are 6 international agreements between VAST institutions, including VAST Institute of Scientific Research and Applied Technology (Nha Trang), VAST Institute of Oceanography, VAST Institute of Natural Products Chemistry, and the NSCMB FEB RAS, with two joint and highly successful laboratories having been established under these agreements.

In his turn, Prof. Tran Tuan Anh, Vice President of the VAST, recited the advances recently made in the joint activities bilateral meetings, academic exchanges, joint scientific publications and projects.  Vice President Tran  reminded the audience of a long history of  the partnership, highlighting the close relations between Russia and Vietnam established back during the Soviet era and expressed his intention to further enhance the relations. He paid special attention to interaction with scientists of the NSCMB, particularly with. Prof. Titlyanov and Titlyanova, Doctor of Biological Sciences, who have been engaged in assessment of algal diversity in Vietnam, thus making a great contribution to the strengthening of scientific ties.

The parties shared their views on a range of topics and areas of Russian-Vietnamese cooperation and fully supported it. Dr. Mordukhovich, Deputy Director for Scientific, emphasized in his speech that today it is necessary to develop and encourage research on deep-sea ecosystems.

The visit of the VAST delegation was organized and held at the highest level. The host side conducted an introductory tour of the Center's building, where the guests were introduced to the Aquatic department and the Museum collections of the NSCMB FEB RAS. During the visit, the parties exchanged memorable gifts.