On September 6, the delegation from the Institute of Oceanology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (hereinafter referred to as IO CAS), led by Mr. Sha Zhongli, Deputy Director of IO CAS, visited the NSCMB FEB RAS to discuss scientific and technical cooperation.

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During the visit, the delegation members met with the management and scientists of NSCMB FEB RAS. The guests were welcomed by NSCMB FEB RAS: Dr. Igor Dolmatov, Director of NSCMB FEB RAS, Corresponding Member of RAS, Dr. Konstantin Lutaenko, Deputy Director for International Cooperation, Deputy Directors for Science Dr. Andrey Boroda, Dr. Vladimir Mordukhovich, Dr. Tatyana Orlova, leading scientists of the Center Dr. Tatyana Dautova and Dr. Marina Malyutina. Mrs. Anastasiia Grishina, specialist of the International Cooperation Department, was responsible for the reception of the delegation at the NSCMB FEB RAS.

The IO CAS was represented by Dr. Zhang Junlong, Head of the Laboratory of Taxonomy and Phylogeny of Marine Organisms, Prof. Duan Delin, Principal Investigator, Specialist in Seaweed Breeding and Cultivation, Prof. Tan Xungang, Specialist in Fish Genetics, Ass. Prof. Cheng Jiao, Specialist in Crustacean Taxonomy, Ms. Yang Fengfan, Specialist for International Relations.

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Dr. Lutaenko, Deputy Director for International Relations, presented a report on the history, goals, objectives, structure and achievements of the NSCMB FEB RAS. He especially emphasized the successful history of Russian-Chinese cooperation with a number of scientific institutions. Dr. Lutaenko paid special attention to the possibility of joint publications, academic exchanges and the desire to fully develop the scientific ties between our institutions, given the long period of cooperation.

Presentations from the Chinese side were made by Dr. Zhang Junlong and Ms. Yang Fengfan. They also reported on the history and areas of work of the IO CAS and the future prospects for cooperation.

During the meeting, the officials reviewed the priority goals of bilateral cooperation, including joint scientific work in a wide range of problems of marine biology and ecology, physical oceanography, biochemistry; mutual exchange of knowledge, experience and modern research methods. An agreement was reached on marine scientific research and a joint expedition to the North Pacific. Each Party will designate its representative to lead the expedition.

All participants of the meeting expressed confidence in future fruitful cooperation and successful development of Russian-Chinese relations.

As a result of the meeting, the Protocol of Intentions (MINUTES OF MEETING) was signed. The meeting was held in a friendly and cordial atmosphere and will certainly promote the development of collaboration between IO CAS and NSCMB FEB RAS for the benefit of World Ocean research.

At the end of the meeting the parties exchanged memorable gifts and were invited for a joint photo shoot. The host party conducted a tour of the building and the Museum of the NSCMB FEB RAS. Then the delegation was welcomed in the «Primorsky Aquarium" - a branch of NSCMB FEB RAS, where the guests were personally met by the Director Olga Shevchenko.

More information about the visit at the Primorsky Aquarium: https://primocean.ru/en/aquarium/kopiya-novosti/kopiya-2023/chinese-oceanologists-complimented-primorsky-aquarium-on-its-laboratory-facilities.html