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Gracilaria spinulosa
0 reviews

1. Cystocarp in longitudinal section. 2. Habitat (mouth of Cai River, Nha Trang Bay, Vietnam). April 2007. Inset: Group of cystocarps.

Category Genus Gracilaria
Gracilaria tenuistipitata
0 reviews

1. Habit. 2. Cultivation of Gracilaria tenuistipitata in O Lan Lagoon (Phu Yen Province, Vietnam). March 2009. Inset: Habit.

Category Genus Gracilaria
Gracilaria vermiculophylla
0 reviews

1. Fragment with cystocarps. 2. Cultivation of unattached form of Gracilaria vermiculophylla (Peter the Great Bay, the Sea of Japan, Russia), August 1990. Inset: Habit.

Category Genus Gracilaria
Palmaria stenogona
0 reviews

Upper subtidal (Peter the Great Bay, the Sea of Japan, Russia). August 2011. Inset: Habit.

Category Genus Palmaria
Rhodymenia intricata
0 reviews

Habit (Yonaguni Island, Japan). March 2013. Inset: Transverse section.

Category Genus Rhodymenia
Sparlingia pertusa
0 reviews

Habit of old plant (Peter the Great Bay, the Sea of Japan, Russia). August 2011. Inset: Habit of young plant.

Category Genus Sparlingia
Champia parvula
0 reviews

In habitat, at low interidal (My Hoa, Vietnam). December 2010. Insets: a – Habit; b – Tetrasporangia in cross section; c – A portion with cystocsrps

Category Genus Champia
Champia vieillardii
0 reviews

1. Habit. 2. Cells from surface. 3. Tetrasporangia. Hainan Island, China, March 2012.

Category Genus Champia
Lomentaria catenata
0 reviews

1. Сystocarpic plant. 2. Tetrasporangial plant. 3. In habitat (Amakusa Island, Japan). April 2013.

Category Genus Lomentaria
Lomentaria corallicola
0 reviews

1. Fragment with cystocarps. 2. Tetrasporangial branch. 3. Tuft of uniseriate rhizoids. 4. In habitat (Hainan Island, China). April 2009. Inset: Habit.

Category Genus Lomentaria
Lomentaria hakodatensis
0 reviews

1. Fragment of tetrasporangial thallus. Inset: Fragment of cystocarpic thallus. 2. In habitat, upper subtidal (Peter the Great Bay, the Sea of Japan, Russia). August 2011.

Category Genus Lomentaria
Schizymenia dubyi
0 reviews

1, 3. Habit. 2. Transverse section of dried specimen (Dalian City, China). October 2008.

Centroceras clavulatum
0 reviews

1. Frond with cystocarps. 2. Fragments with incurved branch tips and lateral tetrasporangia. 3. In habitat, on net of lobster farm. Inset: In habitat. (Nha Trang Bay, Vietnam), April 2006.

Ceramium cimbricum
0 reviews

In habitat, epiphytic on Grateloupia filicina (Hainan Island, China), March 2012. Inset: 1. Habit; 2. Branching pattern.

Category Genus Ceramium
Ceramium kondoi
0 reviews

1. Upper portion of branch. 2. Fragment of cystocarpic plant. 3. Habitat, on rocks in upper subtidal (Peter the Great Bay, the Sea of Japan, Russia). August 2011.

Category Genus Ceramium
Ceramium macilentum
0 reviews

1. The upper portion of branches. 2. Tips with slender hairs. 3. Prostrate axis with rhizoids. 4. Natural habitat, Nha Trang Bay, Vietnam, April 2006. Inset: Habit.

Category Genus Ceramium
Ceramium japonicum
0 reviews

1. Plant epiphytic on Neorhodomela larix. 2. In upper subtidal (Peter the Great Bay, the Sea of Japan, Russia). August 2011.

Category Genus Ceramium
Gayliella flaccida
0 reviews

1. Upper portion of thallus. Inset: Lateral tetrasporangia. 2. In habitat (Danang, Vietnam). Inset: Cystocarp.

Category Genus Gayliella
Griffithsia japonica
0 reviews

1. Habit. 2, 3. Branchlets with tetrasporangia protected by involucral cells. 4. Habitat (on plastic barrel of farm construction for Lobster cultivation (Mot Island, Nha Trang Bay, Vietnam). April 2006.

Campylaephora crassa
0 reviews

1. Fragment showing straight branches in the upper part. 2. Habit. Russia, Peter the Great Bay, the Sea of Japan, August 2011.

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