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Porphyra inaequicrassa
0 reviews

Plants growing on Chorda filum. Peter the Great Bay, the Sea of Japan, May 2009.

Category Genus Porphyra
Pyropia suborbiculata
0 reviews

1. Habit. 2. Cells from surface view. Japan (Amakusa Island), December 2012. 3. In habitat. Middle intertidal (Nha trang Bay, Vietnam), February 2011.

Category Genus Porphyra
Amphiroa anceps
0 reviews

1. Upper segments with conceptacles. 2. Habit. Korea, Jeju Island, October 2009.

Category Genus Amphiroa
Amphiroa beauvoisii
0 reviews

1. Fragment. 2. In habitat, middle intertidal (Amakusa Island, Japan), April 2013.

Category Genus Amphiroa
Amphiroa foliacea
0 reviews

1. Portion of thallus. 2. Upper subtidal, Nha Trang Bay (Vietnam), April 2008. Inset: Fragment of dense clump.

Category Genus Amphiroa
Amphiroa fragilissima
0 reviews

1. Branching pattern. 2. Upper subtidal, on metal constructions of lobster farm in Nha trang Bay (Mot Island, Vietnam), April 2008.

Category Genus Amphiroa
Corallina crassissima
0 reviews

In habitat at upper subtidal, Amakusa Island (Japan), April 2013. Inset: Habit

Category Genus Corallina
Corallina officinalis
0 reviews

In habitat at low tide (Peter the Great Bay, the Sea of Japan, Russia), August 2013. Insert at left corner: habit; at right corner: Basal portion with crust.

Category Genus Corallina
Corallina pilulifera
0 reviews

1. Habit. Jeju Island (Korea). 2. Low intertidal (Russia, Peter Great Bay, the Sea of Japan), August 2013. 3. Amakusa Island (Japan), April 2014.

Category Genus Corallina
Jania adhaerens
0 reviews

1. Habit. 2. Fragment showing branching pattern. 3. Rope overgrowing with Jania adhaerens at lobster farm (Nha Trang Bay, Vietnam), April 2006.

Category Genus Jania
Jania capillacea
0 reviews

1. Fragment (with conceptacles). 2. Intertidal, on dead corals (Hainan Island, China). April 2012.

Category Genus Jania
Jania pumila
0 reviews

Habit with carposporangial conceptacles (Hainan Island, China), March 2012.

Category Genus Jania
Jania ungulata
0 reviews

1, 2. In low intertidal on dead corals (Hainan Island, China), April 2012. Fragment showing branching pattern and expanded ungulate segments (left inset).

Category Genus Jania
Lithophyllum okamurae
0 reviews

1, 2, 3. In habitat, low intertidal (Amakusa Island, Japan), April 2014.

Mastophora rosea
0 reviews

1. Enlarged fragment, showing branching pattern. 2. Fragment with sporangial conceptacles. 3. In habitat: the upper subtidal zone (Ryukyu Archipelago, Yonaguni Island, Japan), March 2013.

Category Genus Mastophora
Lithothamnion intermedium
0 reviews

1, 2. Radial section. 1. Lens-shaped cells of surface layer. 2. Cells of the basal portion. 3. Upper subtidal, on dead coral (Hainan Island, China), March 2012.

Lithothamnion phymatodeum
0 reviews

1. In habitat, on stony bottom (Peter the Great Bay, the Sea of Japan, Russia), August 2013.

Gelidiophycus divaricatum
0 reviews

1. Tetrasporangial plant. 2. Cross section. 3. The upper intertidal zone (Amakusa Island, Japan). April 2013.

Gelidium amansii
0 reviews

Portion of sporophytic plant showing branching pattern (in aquarium). The plant taken from a speciament cast ashore (Yellow Sea, Qingdao City, China, October 2008). Inset: habit (Japan, Amakusa Island. April 2013.

Category Genus Gelidium
Gelidium crinale
0 reviews

1. Fragment with tetrasporangial branchlets. 2. Transverse section. 3. Habit (Wenchang, Hainan Island, China), March 2012).

Category Genus Gelidium
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