Ochrophyta: All Listings 

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Dictyota coriacea
0 reviews

1. Habit. 2. Upper subtidal (Amakusa Island, Japan). August 2013.

Category Genus Dictyota
Dictyota dichotoma
0 reviews

1. Habit. 2. Branching pattern. 3. Low intertidal (Nha Trang Bay, Vietnam). April 2006.

Category Genus Dictyota
Dictyota friabilis
0 reviews

1, 2. Fragments. 3. In algal communities overgrowing lobster farm constructions (Mot Island, Nha Trang Bay, Vietnam). April 2006.

Category Genus Dictyota
Dictyota mertensii
0 reviews

1. Habit. 2. Branch. 3, 4. Plants growing on net constructions of lobster farm in Nha Trang Bay (Vietnam). April 2006.

Category Genus Dictyota
Dictyopteris divaricata
0 reviews

1. Habit. 2, 3. Peter the Great Bay, Russia). August 2011.

Dictyopteris pacifica
0 reviews

Cast ashore. Insets: 1. Fragment of old thallus. 2. Young plant (Hainan Island, China). March 2012.

Dictyopteris prolifera
0 reviews

In habitat, upper subtidal (Amakusa Isl., Japan), August 2013. Insets: Upper left (habit); upper right (fragment).

Dictyopteris undulata
0 reviews

In habitat, in association with other algae (Amakusa Island, Japan). April 2013.

Lobophora variegata
0 reviews

1. Habit. 2. Plant colonizing live coral (Okinawa, Japan, 2003). 3. Low intertidal (Sanya Bay, China). April 2012.

Category Genus Lobophora
Padina arborescens
0 reviews

In habitat, upper subtidal (Amakusa Island, Japan). August 2013.

Category Genus Padina
Padina australis
0 reviews

1. Habit. 2. Transverse section. 3. Sporangia. 4. Upper subtidal (Nha Trang Bay, Vietnam). April 2007.

Category Genus Padina
Padina boryana
0 reviews

1, 2. Prostrate rhizomes with newly formed blade. 3. Habit. Low intertidal (Nha Trang Bay, Vietnam). April 2007.

Category Genus Padina
Padina gymnospora
0 reviews

1. Habit. 2. Transverse section of thallus. 3. Upper subtidal (Nha Trang Bay, Vietnam). April 2007.

Category Genus Padina
Padina minor
0 reviews

1. Newly formed blades of P. minor and strap-shaped blades of Vaughaniella stage. 2. Vaughaniella stage thalli forming rhizomatous densely matted turf. 3. In habitat, upper subtidal (China, Hainan Island). March 2012.

Category Genus Padina
Padina tetrastromatica
0 reviews

1. Habit. 2. Transverse section of thallus. 3. Upper subtidal (Nha Trang Bay, Vietnam). April 2006.

Category Genus Padina
Zonaria diesingiana
0 reviews

1, 2. In habitat, upper subtidal (Amakusa Island, Japan). April 2013.

Category Genus Zonaria
Desmarestia viridis
0 reviews

Upper subtidal (Peter the Great Bay, the Sea of Japan, Russia). July 2012.

Saccharina cichorioides
0 reviews

1. Habit. 2. Plants overgrowing buoys at 2 m depth (Peter the Great Bay, the Sea of Japan, Russia). July 2011.

Category Genus Saccharina
Saccharina japonica
0 reviews

1. One of the authors holds drying plants for food (Khasan Region, Russia). 2. Intertidal during the low tide after storm (Peter the Great Bay, the Sea of Japan, Russia), October 1991. Inset: Two-year-old thalli. The photo kindly presented by V.V. Sukhove ...

Category Genus Saccharina
Ecklonia kurome
0 reviews

1. Habit of young plant. 2. In habitat (Amakusa Island, Japan). August 2013.

Category Genus Ecklonia
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