Chondria armata
http://info1/algae/images/sampledata/Algae/Chondria armata.png
Bornetella oligospora
Колония, взятая на мелководном риф-флете (зал. Ми Хоа, провинция Нинь Туан, Вьетнам), март 2006 г.
http://info1/algae/images/sampledata/Algae/Bornetella oligospora.png
Caulerpa Okamurae
http://info1/algae/images/sampledata/Algae/Caulerpa Okamurae.png
Agarum clathratum
http://info1/algae/images/sampledata/Algae/Agarum clathratum.png
Acetabularia dentata
http://info1/algae/images/sampledata/Algae/Acetabularia dentata.png
Dictyopteris undulata
http://info1/algae/images/sampledata/Algae/Dictyopteris undulata.png
Chondrus armatus
http://info1/algae/images/sampledata/Algae/Chondrus armatus.png
Neosiphonia yendoi
http://info1/algae/images/sampledata/Algae/Neosiphonia yendoi.png
Codium tenue
Colpomenia peregrina
http://info1/algae/images/sampledata/Algae/Colpomenia peregrina.png
Neosiphonia harlandii
http://info1/algae/images/sampledata/Algae/Neosiphonia harlandii.png
Tricleocarpa cylindrica
http://info1/algae/images/sampledata/Algae/Tricleocarpa cylindrica.png
Tricleocarpa fragilis
http://info1/algae/images/sampledata/Algae/Tricleocarpa fragilis.png
Porphyra inaequicrassa
http://info1/algae/images/sampledata/Algae/Porphyra inaequicrassa.png
Eucheuma arnoldii
http://info1/algae/images/sampledata/Algae/Eucheuma arnoldii.png
Fucus evanescens
http://info1/algae/images/sampledata/Algae/Fucus evanescens.png
Padina arborescens
http://info1/algae/images/sampledata/Algae/Padina arborescens.png
Grateloupia livida
http://info1/algae/images/sampledata/Algae/Grateloupia livida.png
Sparlingia pertusa
http://info1/algae/images/sampledata/Algae/Sparlingia pertusa.png
Thallus blade-like, flabellate, often split into lobes in the upper portion, with entire margins, (3)-5-10 cm high, to 8 cm broad, yellowish-brown. Lightly calcified on the upper surface only. In cross section, blade composed of 3 layers of rectangular, thick-walled cells, 100-110 μm thick at the basal portion. Mid and apical portions composed of 2 layers of rectangular thin-walled cells (85-90 μm and 60-70 μm thick, respectively). Hairs develop in concentric bands on the upper surface of the thallus at intervals of 1.0-3.5 mm. Tetrasporangial sori in bands alternate with hair bands. Tetrasporangia to 120 mm diam. Antheridia (25×31 mm) in patches develop on the ventral surface of the thallus. Attachment by disc-like stupose holdfast. Prostrate rhizomes are often produced from the stipe (consisting of 4 cell layers). Rhizomes compressed, about 1 mm broad. Growing on mid intertidal to upper subtidal rocks and dead corals of shores with moderate wave action.
Tropics and subtropics of Atlantic, Indian and Pacific Oceans. Common in countries of the Asia-Pacific Region: Japan, China, Vietnam, Thailand, Indonesia, Philippines, Australia and New Zealand, Pacific Islands.