Chondria armata
http://info1/algae/images/sampledata/Algae/Chondria armata.png
Bornetella oligospora
Колония, взятая на мелководном риф-флете (зал. Ми Хоа, провинция Нинь Туан, Вьетнам), март 2006 г.
http://info1/algae/images/sampledata/Algae/Bornetella oligospora.png
Caulerpa Okamurae
http://info1/algae/images/sampledata/Algae/Caulerpa Okamurae.png
Agarum clathratum
http://info1/algae/images/sampledata/Algae/Agarum clathratum.png
Acetabularia dentata
http://info1/algae/images/sampledata/Algae/Acetabularia dentata.png
Dictyopteris undulata
http://info1/algae/images/sampledata/Algae/Dictyopteris undulata.png
Chondrus armatus
http://info1/algae/images/sampledata/Algae/Chondrus armatus.png
Neosiphonia yendoi
http://info1/algae/images/sampledata/Algae/Neosiphonia yendoi.png
Codium tenue
Colpomenia peregrina
http://info1/algae/images/sampledata/Algae/Colpomenia peregrina.png
Neosiphonia harlandii
http://info1/algae/images/sampledata/Algae/Neosiphonia harlandii.png
Tricleocarpa cylindrica
http://info1/algae/images/sampledata/Algae/Tricleocarpa cylindrica.png
Tricleocarpa fragilis
http://info1/algae/images/sampledata/Algae/Tricleocarpa fragilis.png
Porphyra inaequicrassa
http://info1/algae/images/sampledata/Algae/Porphyra inaequicrassa.png
Eucheuma arnoldii
http://info1/algae/images/sampledata/Algae/Eucheuma arnoldii.png
Fucus evanescens
http://info1/algae/images/sampledata/Algae/Fucus evanescens.png
Padina arborescens
http://info1/algae/images/sampledata/Algae/Padina arborescens.png
Grateloupia livida
http://info1/algae/images/sampledata/Algae/Grateloupia livida.png
Sparlingia pertusa
http://info1/algae/images/sampledata/Algae/Sparlingia pertusa.png
Thallus tough, leathery, densely branched, to 1 m high, yellowish-brown. Main axis short, cylindrical, smooth, to 10 mm high, to 5 mm diam., bearing to five primary branches from the distal portion. Primary branches compressed, smooth, to 50 cm long, 5 mm broad at base and 3 mm at the distal portion, bearing secondary distichously arranged branches at intervals 5 cm. Phylloids elongateellipsoidal or linear-lanceolate, to 5 cm long, 2 cm broad, with asymmetrical base, short petiole and with acute apex. Margins irregularly dentate. Midrib distinct, evanescent or percurrent, sometimes spinose. Vesicles spherical or ellipsoidal, 8.5 mm long and 7 mm wide, apiculate, entire or with toothed wings at the margin or apex; shortly stalked. Stalk cylindrical or foliaceous, to 3 mm long. Cryptostomata distinct irregularly scattered on both surfaces of phylloids, vesicles and stalk. Receptacles compressed or triquetrous, to 4 mm long, 1 mm broad, furcated with acutely dentate margins. Holdfast conical or discoid, to 1.4 cm diameter. Growing on hard substrates in the lower intertidal to subtidal zones.