Chondria armata
http://info1/algae/images/sampledata/Algae/Chondria armata.png
Bornetella oligospora
Колония, взятая на мелководном риф-флете (зал. Ми Хоа, провинция Нинь Туан, Вьетнам), март 2006 г.
http://info1/algae/images/sampledata/Algae/Bornetella oligospora.png
Caulerpa Okamurae
http://info1/algae/images/sampledata/Algae/Caulerpa Okamurae.png
Agarum clathratum
http://info1/algae/images/sampledata/Algae/Agarum clathratum.png
Acetabularia dentata
http://info1/algae/images/sampledata/Algae/Acetabularia dentata.png
Dictyopteris undulata
http://info1/algae/images/sampledata/Algae/Dictyopteris undulata.png
Chondrus armatus
http://info1/algae/images/sampledata/Algae/Chondrus armatus.png
Neosiphonia yendoi
http://info1/algae/images/sampledata/Algae/Neosiphonia yendoi.png
Codium tenue
Colpomenia peregrina
http://info1/algae/images/sampledata/Algae/Colpomenia peregrina.png
Neosiphonia harlandii
http://info1/algae/images/sampledata/Algae/Neosiphonia harlandii.png
Tricleocarpa cylindrica
http://info1/algae/images/sampledata/Algae/Tricleocarpa cylindrica.png
Tricleocarpa fragilis
http://info1/algae/images/sampledata/Algae/Tricleocarpa fragilis.png
Porphyra inaequicrassa
http://info1/algae/images/sampledata/Algae/Porphyra inaequicrassa.png
Eucheuma arnoldii
http://info1/algae/images/sampledata/Algae/Eucheuma arnoldii.png
Fucus evanescens
http://info1/algae/images/sampledata/Algae/Fucus evanescens.png
Padina arborescens
http://info1/algae/images/sampledata/Algae/Padina arborescens.png
Grateloupia livida
http://info1/algae/images/sampledata/Algae/Grateloupia livida.png
Sparlingia pertusa
http://info1/algae/images/sampledata/Algae/Sparlingia pertusa.png
Thallus consisting of blade, stipe and branched rhizoids. The blade linear-lanceolate, broadly linear to oval, coriaceous, smooth, 1.0-2.0 m long, (5)-10-30 cm broad, olive to brown, with five percurrent longitudinal prominent ribs coming together at the base. The middle rib and ribs near to margins prominent on one side and two other ribs (in between the midrib and marginal ribs) prominent on the other side of the blade. Spaces between the ribs smooth or with bullae. Narrow blades with cuneate bases and broad blades with oval and broadly cordate bases. Margins flat, slightly undulate or entire. Stipe cylindrical at base, compressed above and with marked furrows. Sporangial sori in patches scattered over surface of the thallus. Growing on rocky, stony and muddy-sandy bottom with stones, boulders and blocks, in low intertidal to upper subtidal (to 10 m depth), at shores exposed to moderate and strong wave action.
Arctic to temperate waters of Pacific Ocean. Japan, Korea and Russia.