Rhodophyta: All Listings 

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Neorhodomela larix
0 reviews

1. Habit 2. Fragment. 3. Habitat, upper subtidal (Peter the Great Bay, the Sea of Japan, Russia). August 2011.

Neosiphonia harlandii
0 reviews

Habit (Ba Lang An, Vietnam), March 2009.

Neosiphonia japonica
0 reviews

1. Habit. 2. Fragment with cystocarps. 3. Plants epiphytic on Chorda filum, cast ashore (Qingdao Сity, the Yellow Sea, China). October 2008.

Neosiphonia sphaerocarpa
0 reviews

1. Fragment with spermatangial branchlets. 2. Fragment with cystocarps. 3. In habitat, Hainan, March 2012.

Neosiphonia yendoi
0 reviews

In habitat: upper subtidal (Peter the Great Bay, the Sea of Japan, Russia). August 2012.

Polysiphonia howei
0 reviews

1. Branchlet with trichoblasts. 2. Raped cystocarp. 3. Branches with tetrasporangia. 4. In habitat, Hainan Islands, China, March 2012. Inset: Habit

Polysiphonia morrowii
0 reviews

In habitat: upper subtidal (Peter the Great Bay, the Sea of Japan, Russia). August 2012.

Cumathamnion serrulatum
0 reviews

1. Habit (fragment). 2. In habitat on rocky bottom (Peter the Great Bay, the Sea of Japan, Russia). August 2011.

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