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Motavkin P.A., Pigolkin Yu.I., Lomakin A.V., Deridovich I.I. Catecholamines and indolylalkylamines of the pia mater and spinal cord in vertebrates // Folia Morphologica. - 1990. - Vol. 38, No. 1. - p. 244-253
Motavkin P.A., Varaksin A.A. La reprodaction chez les mollusques bivalves. Role du systems nerveux regulation // Rapport Sci. Tech. de l'EFREMER. - 1990. - No. 10. - 250 p.
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Naidenko T.Kh. Laboratory cultivation of five species of sea urchins from the Sea of Japan // 7-th Intern. echinoderm conf.: Abstract. - Atami, 1990. - p. 34
Naidenko T.Kh., Gakhova E.N., Naidenko V.P., Veprintsev B.N. Evolution of viability of sea urchins larvae after cryoconservation of embryos // 7-th Intern. echinoderm conf.: Abstract. - Atami, 1990. - p. 34
Novozhilov A.V. Storm hydrodynamics as a factor of spreading of agar-producing alga Ahnfeltia tobuchiensis // The 1-st Soviet-Chinese symposium on Oceanography: Abstracts. - Vladivostok, 1990. - p. 33-34
Omelchenko V.T., Vyalova G.P. Population structure of pink salmon // Sov. J. Mar. Biol. - 1990. - Vol. 16. - No. 1. - p. 1-10
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Orlova A.A., Korchagin V.P., Udaltsova S.N., Sheludko N.S., Podlubnaya Z.A. The effect of C-protein on superprecipitation of scallop myofibrils // 20-th Meeting of FEBS. - Budapest, 1990. - p. 132
Orlova T.Yu. Aperture formation in the diatom genus Chaetoceros // Proc. Of the Tenth Intern. Diatom Symp., Loensuu, Finland, Aug.28 - Sept.2, 1988. - Koenigstein: Koeltz scientific books, 1990. - p. 111-116
Статьи в сборниках
Polyakova N.E. Allozyme variability of aconitase - a new gene marker in masu salmon Oncorhynchus masu // Allozyme Bull. - 1990. - Vol. 23. - p. 96
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Presnov E.V., Isaeva V.V. Positional information as a symmetry of morphogenetic fields // Forma. - 1990. - No. 5. - p. 59-61
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Propp M.V., Tarasov V.G. Caldron in the sea // Oceanus. - 1990. - Vol. 32, No. 4. - p. 54-59
Schornikov E.I. Evolution and classification of Bythocytheridae // Cour. Forsch. - Inst. Senkenberg. - 1990. - Vol. 123. - p. 291-302
Sheludko N.S. Opical properties of myofibril and actomyosin suspensions. 1. Angular dependence of light scattering by myofibril suspensions and its changes under myofibril contraction // Biochim. Biophys. Acta. - 1990. - Vol. 1038. - p. 315-321
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Silina A.V. Selection of regions and breeding sites of Yeso scallop at the coast of Maritime territory // Soviet Journal of Marine Biology. 1990, v. 16, № 5, P. 283-286.
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Silina A.V., Pozdnyakova L.A. Growth of the scallop Chlamus rosealbus in the Sea of Japan // Sov. J. Mar. Biol. - 1990. - Vol. 16. - No. 1. - p. 32-36
Публикации в рецензируемых журналах
Silina A.V., Pozdnyakova L.A. Growth of the scallop Chlamys rosealbus in the Sea of Japan // Sov. J. Mar. Biol. 1990. Vol. 16, No. 1. P. 32-36.
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Sirenko B.I., Kashenko S.D. Larval development of the chiton Ischnochiton hakodadensis under normal conditions and at salinity changes // Sov. J. Mar. Biol. - 1990. - Vol. 16. - No. 1. - p. 37-44
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Sobolevsky E.I., Dulepova E.P., Radchenko V.I. Structure and functioning of ichthyocenosis of epipelagial of Bering Sea // Intern. Symp. Bering Sea Fisheries: Abstrs. - Khabarovsk, 1990. P. 196.
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Tarasov V.G., Propp M.V. et al. Shallow-water gasohydrothermal vents of Ushishir Volcano and the ecosystem of Kraternaya Bight (The Kurile Islands) // Mar. Ecol. 1990. Vol. 11, No. 1. P. 1-23.
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Tarasov V.G., Propp M.V., Propp L.N., Zhirmunsky A.V., Namsaraev B.B., Gorlenko V.M., Starynin D.A. Shallow-water gasohydrothermal vents of Ushishir Volcano and ecosystem of Kraternaya Bight (The Kurile Islands) // Sov. J. Mar. Biol. - 1990. - Vol. 11. - No. 1. - p. 1-23
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Titlyanov E.A., Leletkin V.A., Ermak V.D., Voskoboinikov G.M. Light adaptation of mass species of reef-building corals // Sov. J. Mar. Biol. - 1990. - Vol. 16, No. 1. - p. 25-31
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Vaschenko M.A., Zhadan P.M., Medvedeva L.A., Lukyanova O.N., Karaseva E.M. Five-year studies of reproduction function of sea urchins Strongylocentrotus intermedius from Peter the Great Bay (the Sea of Japan) // The 1-st Soviet-Chinese Symposium on Oceanography: Abstracts. - Vladivostok, 1990. - p. 25-27
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Voskoboynikov G.M., Odintsov V.S., Propp M.V., Lobakova E. Structure Of Symbionts Associated With Hydrocoral Millepora And Nitrogen-Fixation // 4th International Colloquium On Endocytobiology And Symbiosis location: Natl Inst Appl Sci, Villeurbanne, France, jul 04-08, 1989. Endocytobiology IV. 1990. P. 297-301.
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Vysotsky M.V., Imbs A.B., Popkov A.A., Latyshev N.A., Svetashev V.I. Trans-definic very-long-chain fatty acid (26:3 5c, 9c, 19t) in lipids of fresh-water sponges of lake Baikal // Tetrohedron Letters. 1990. Vol. 31, № 30. P. 4367-4370.
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Yakovlev S.N. Reproductive biology in sea-urchins Strongylocentrotus nudus in relation with anthropogenic influence // 7-th Intern. Echinoderm conf.: Abstracts. - Atami, 1990. - p. 51
Yakovlev Yu.M. Neuland unter Wasser // Freie Welt. - 1990. - No. 8, 1. - p. 50-52
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Yakovlev Yu.M. Seasonal changes in the gonads of Eupentacta fraudatrix and Cucumaria japonica(Holothuroidea, Echinodermata) from Peter the Great Bay, Sea of Japan // 7th International echinoderm conf.: Abstract. - Atami, 1990. - p. 51
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Yushin V.V. Head-end cuticle ultrastructure in free-living nematodes and its significance for systematics // 7th Intern. Sympos. on Aquatic Nematodes, Yerseke, 8-9 August, 1990. - Yerseke, 1990. - p. 3
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Zhakin A.V. Organic carbon content in the upper leyer of friable bottom sediments in the example of Novogorodskaya inlet (Sea of Japan) // Sov. J. Mar. Biol. - 1990. - Vol. 16, No. 1. - p. 48-51
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Zhirmunsky A.V., Tarasov V.G. Unusual marine ecosystem in the flooded crater of Ushishir volcano // Mar. Ecol. Progr. Ser. - 1990. - Vol. 65. - p. 95-102
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